The passive 3D content provides a better experience when shown on TV UHD.Photo: Sarah Tew / CNET.
Although 3D movies are launched periodically on Blu-ray or in the cinema, as the series The Hobbit (The Hobbit), Battle for the Pacific (Pacific Rim),Steel Man (Man of Steel) , Thor 2: the World dark (Thor: the dark World)... but the trend seems to support 3D on TV is gradually going down due to irremediable limitations related to image quality.
Currently on the market there are still plenty of TVs feature 3D support slide show, even the buyer also bundled 3D glasses dedicated to watch at home. However, so far, the features of the TV 3D support, whether in one form or another, have to sacrifice image quality part for this gadget.
But with the proliferation of next-generation super high resolution TV new (TV UHD - Ultra High Definition), it seems that 3D content, especially 3D passive, somewhat gradually find answers. One of the first tests of experts magazine Cnet was conducted with Toshiba 65L9300U version shows this UHD TVs reproduce crystal-clear images, at least the artificial effect of the TV each test when the passive 3D cinema.
Active or passive: or bad, much less one
Generally, 3D features are supported on the current TV life mainly in two forms: 3D active and passive 3D. The big difference is easy to see is in the form of two glasses used to view 3D content. Dear actively using liquid crystal shutter, fed by batteries, basically operating under the cover sequence of frames to the left eye and the right eye and had to be synchronized with the frame refresh rate. Also, the use of passive glasses polarized lenses simple, similar to the glasses you still see in theaters, basically operating under the same frame but half the resolution of the frame horizontally this is sent to the eye, the remaining half of the resolution sent to the other eye. Passive glasses are usually quite cheap, while the more expensive glasses more proactive.
But in terms of image quality, both types have certain limitations.
Ghosting (crosstalk) appear as if wearing glasses, would only see one, viewers still see the two images overlap - for example in the photo is the right arm lifts.Photo: Sarah Tew / CBS Interactive.
3D proactive systems often ghosting (crosstalk). This phenomenon mainly appears as a blurred image of the image stack or fuzzy border around the object, and if too obvious will become quite uncomfortable when viewing.Some 3D TVs more expensive initiative can better handle the cheap TV, but basically, the ghosting of 3D initiative is almost impossible to remove.
In the meantime, for passive 3D, this phenomenon is limited to quite efficiently.
But in exchange, for passive 3D images with lower resolution. If a TV Full HD (resolution of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels), instead of Full HD format conventional 2D, 3D content in each eye sees only the image resolution of 1920 x 540 pixels by polarizer has obscured half the horizontal line, shown as the black line in the figure below. Even when the stripes are not obvious, if you look on the image diagonals, viewers can discover aliasing phenomenon due to this effect.
The image seen through 3D glasses passive 3D TV. Note that although the natural mechanisms of binocular will blend the two frames into a final frame, but if you sit close enough or loud enough TV, viewers can still detect the stripes. Photo: Cnet.
Left: Passive 3D when viewed through glass - Between: no passive 3D glasses - Right: 3D initiative. Photo: Cnet.
Besides the economic advantages, the passive 3D glasses as easy to use and easy to wear more. Do we not have the electronic components and batteries so they make sense light and much more pleasant. In addition, one can design different shapes, from form to form independent worn clamp used outside for people to wear glasses / telecommunications.Viewers did not encounter the phenomenon of flashing image (flicker) when using this lens view on all kinds of different displays (laptop, phone, computer ...) or use fluorescent light as with 3D glasses active.
In addition to the phenomenon of 3D glasses twinkling proactively shape in some cases above (due to the difference in the glass shutter speed and refresh rate of the screen), the fact if correctly synchronized with 3D TV , this phenomenon is hard to detect. But by using power supply, so in addition to the heavy shapes, 3D glasses also need to be proactive battery replacement or recharging periodically.
Thus, with the technology existing Full HD TV, if not due to reduced resolution, passive 3D is probably an optimal choice. But also thanks to the limitations of Full HD 3D on TV, a promised land for the UHD TV is gradually formed.
More perfect passive 3D with UHD resolution
At the laboratory, the specialist technology magazine Cnet said it had spent hours scrutiny, comparing to find worthwhile advantages of UHD TVs compared to conventional Full HD TV, but it seems to final results are not as big as expected. With the videos were shown on TV, the difference between a resolution of 4K / UHD and 1080p / HD is not much, even in most cases does not even notice, especially the regular HD TV shows or content on Blu-ray.
But when UHD resolution is used to slide the passive 3D content, the difference between the number of pixels and Full HD UHD start for a clearer sense. Although with passive 3D, viewers still lose half horizontal resolution, but thanks to high resolution image quality should remain at acceptable levels. Such experiments with the Toshiba L9300U 3,840 x 2,160 resolution pixels, including the loss of half the horizontal resolution, the image to each eye at 3,840 x still reached 1,080 pixels, twice Full HD resolution.
Specifically, when Cnet conducted comparing the images in the film Hugo (Hugo) is displayed on the screen 65 inch Toshiba 3D L9300U monitors passive and passive 3D Vizio 60-inch (Full HD), image quality Toshiba photos on improved markedly. Right from the first frame with the logo introduced as Paramount manufacturers, Infinitum Nihil and GK film, stripes, jagged edges and artificial effects on Full HD screens almost disappeared, instead the contours are smooth and clear images.
Even in the field shooting, such as the train was running on gas with interlaced rail system or series of lights hung above the platform in the first film were recreated by the sharp and clear. Or scenes with continuous oblique lines appear very artificial effects such as scene two grandchildren uncle Hugo and Claude walk outside the station next to the wall of suspended (22:05 minutes), the image is still very clean and expressed mine.
We can say, with such quality, the image on the Toshiba passive 3D L9300U enough sharpness, no less than the 3D version of the Panasonic initiative same grade as the FT600 or F8000. In fact, if you count the images on passive 3D line specter handle better than the two versions above (as well as most other active 3D version), the 3D quality on Toshiba longer than much.
In addition, the trial also showed that when 3D content is displayed on a TV screen 3D UHD initiative failed to make any significant difference compared to when shown on screen in Full HD at all, particularly when comparison on Samsung UN65F9000 (UHD) with UN55F8000 (Full HD), image quality is obtained almost identical.
Passive 3D TV version in 2014 by LG - LG UB9800.
Hard to find but worth it
Have to say, the passive 3D UHD TV is worthwhile results when comparing the slideshow capabilities. However, partly due to restrictions on price, partly because of competition between active and passive 3D has not yet come to an end so the passive 3D UHD line market is still a rarity. In the life UHD TV version in 2013, only some passive 3D support, which is emerging names such as LG (with LG LA9700 and LA9650 series), Toshiba (L9300U series) and Sony with the series X900A.
2014 going up but not become a good sign for the believers 3D when 3D market is still largely passive led by LG (with versions of UB9800 and UB9500 series, version and the version 77EC9800 the 55-inch and 65-inch OLED new) and Sony XBR-X850B the series. Toshiba, although this year there are two versions L9400 and L8400 UHD is but the company said the two new version will not support any more 3D.
In contrast, 3D movement actively continued by Samsung led with almost all versions are supported UHD. Meanwhile, Sony clearly favors ambition will not give any market share by two series 3D UHD new initiative this year is X950B and X900B. Panasonic has also offers versions TC-AX800U UHD at CES 2014 earlier this year, but it remains unclear to this version will support 3D active or passive.
Until now viewers can see a picture preliminary market overview screen 3D presentation and will have. The choice of format is decided by each category based on his or her priorities. But what they say, UHD TV passive 3D support is still a good choice when comparing the image quality at this time, until the technology companies can get the problem solved better the constraints that the 3D technology still faces.