D4S DSLR form is capable of supporting the world's highest ISO, up to 409 600 AF system with improved considerably compared to the D4.
- Nikon D4S shootout actual noise reduction capabilities with the D4 / D4S Nikon released the ISO supports up to 409 600
Nikon D4S.
Nikon announced the machine started to order from 6/3 day to the next, but yesterday the first new model to the hands of ordinary users. Nikon D4S no change in appearance and some of the internal hardware than D4. Carrying machine comes by Sony XQD card, rechargeable battery charger is also helping to power dual for two batteries simultaneously.
The machine still uses a full-frame sensor resolution of 16.2 megapixels, a message that better noise reduction capabilities. Supports default ISO range from 100 to 25,600 in but to set Hi4, the machine can lift up to 409 600 ISO. As announced, the noise that shooting at ISO 1600 D4S equivalent to D4 at 800.
D4S video recording capability is raised Full HD video at 60 frames per second with uncompressed files. Continuous shooting 11 frames per second with the ability to focus and metering to each type. Additionally, the battery also raised from 2,000 D4S mAh to 2,500 mAh of D4 allows capture CIPA standard 3020 type.
Selling price of the machine Reference is $ 6,500.
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